What is ‘Stickiness?’
A term has been cropping up to describe how customers and Internet Web surfers stay and linger on a website. This term is ‘stickiness.’ It relates to the amount of eyeballs that stay glued or ‘stick’ to that particular website.
The term is not new. In fact, it has been used in the late 1990’s. However, it’s back in fashion.
How does ‘stickiness’ affect you as the business owner? Well, the longer you have someone ‘eyeballing’ your website, the longer they’ll most likely convert into a ‘buying’ customer.
Research indicates that the more useful the content is on your website, the longer customers will stay and ‘buy’ from you. Take a look at some of the monster websites out there – Microsoft, IBM, Dell or Amazon. Each offers a specific product or service and gives ample opportunity to explore a wealth of information on their websites.
You as the business owner can take some lessons from these mega websites:
- Inform your customer
- Make it easier for them to find the information they are seeking
- Make it easy for them to buy from you
These mega websites have this formula memorised and is part of the working organisation.
‘Stickiness’ helps to gage the customers and what they are viewing. The longer they stay, you can say that your website provided valuable information to these customers.
As a website business owner, your sole job is to attract as many visitors and convert them to buying customers. With this knowledge, you are well armed to capitalise on your martketplace.