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 Designing Your Website – The Importance of Links

Designing Your Website – The Importance of Links

Links allow other users, consumers and webmasters to become aware of the products or services you offer. Links have 3 types: Internal, Incoming and Outgoing Links.

Internal links

Internal links are essential because they are the first step in organizing your sites content. If your website grows or other changes are made, the internal links are the first to be affected. Also by having planned and well-organized internal links your website will be easy to navigate and thus become well integrated and easy to use. If you are selling a service or product, a website that is linked properly will prompt prospects to become buyers.

Incoming Links

For example, businesses want to attract as many qualified buyers. If your website’s link is placed either through search engines, directories or other websites, the more incoming links you have, the chances of you attracting more customers is greatly enhanced.

Outgoing links

Outgoing links enable a customer to look for information related to the product or service your business offers. For example, if you sell brand name jewellery, a link to the manufacturers’ website gives your website credibility and will also entice the customer to buy from you (since linking to a particular manufacturer requires qualification). This also demonstrates that your website is legitimate and well-connected. Search engines use outgoing links as one of the primary factors in determining how relevant that website is to a query (search). For example, if your jewellery website has links to major brand names, then your website gets ranked in higher degrees of preference. This in turn will lead to more customers since your site will be known to be linked to major brand name manufacturers.

Web Location

As an on-line business owner, you need to know:

How much traffic you are receiving
Where this traffic comes from
Who your buyers are

At Freestart, we can give you instructions on how to setup the necessary statistics you need. This will ensure that your particular campaign is delivering the information necessary to make sound on-line business decisions. At Freestart, we know what it takes to be successful and to maintain that success. As an on-line business ourselves, we are partnering with you to ensure your success. If you have any questions about what those statistics mean and how they impact your business, please contact customer support.

Article Details
Article ID: 24
Created On: 11 May 2007 07:24 AM

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