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 Is Affiliate Marketing Right For You?

Is Affiliate Marketing Right For You?

Affiliate marketing is a form of promotion that helps a company market its product or service with the assistance of someone else (the affiliate marketer).

There are 5 questions you need to ask yourself when determining whether you should venture into affiliate marketing:

  1. Do I like marketing, selling, writing, talking about products or services?
  2. Can I spend a couple of hours (or more) on the computer finding out what people are buying?
  3. Can I spend a couple of hours (or more) writing about the benefits of these products or services I am affiliated with?
  4. Do I have the patience required to wait and see if my affiliate campaign is working?
  5. Am I willing to research, deploy and implement marketing techniques that will aid my affiliate marketing?

If you have answered 'YES' to all 5 questions, then affiliate marketing may be for you.

Affiliate marketing IS NOT a get rich quick scheme. It is a legitimate way of making money on the Internet. However, you have to be aware of scams and confidence games (like any other business). You also have to be able to tell a crappy product with a high refund rate or even a great product with a high refund rate.

Many affiliates have special rules and regulations. Read the fine print. Read the requirements and when in doubt ask questions. Keep asking until you receive a satisfactory answer. If you don't receive a satisfactory answer, then that affiliate programme may not be for you.

Affiliate marketing does involve your time and effort. It takes a certain amount of passion and skill to implement a marketing programme that will attract and convert visitors into paying visitors at your affiliate programmes. makes it easy for you to become an affiliate marketer. We have template websites with the affiliate marketer in mind. Also, we have our own affiliate programme. Click here for more details on how you can begin earning as a affiliate marketer.

Article Details
Article ID: 54
Created On: 07 Jun 2007 08:58 AM

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