3 Techniques To Check Your Website
One of the most important ways that you can effectively and cheaply check to see if your website is being listed is to do a search for your keywords. If you are a new website, indexing can be difficult. It may take some time for your website to be seen.
Google also places a new website in what’s known as the ‘sandbox.’ This provides a ‘time out’ so that Google can check to ensure that you aren’t a useless website and that you are actually bringing value to the Internet and their search engine.
Here are 3 techniques you can use to check to see your website status:
Search On Your Keywords
One of the cheapest ways to find out if your website is being indexed is to search for your keywords. When you enter your keywords, check to see your ranking. If your website is greater than 6 months, this will be especially useful in determining further optimisation. This will also allow you to see how your website is ranking if you are or aren’t using a pay per click website campaign.
If you aren’t using a pay per click campaign and you rank high from your keywords, congratulate yourself. This part you are succeeding. However, if you have high placement and you aren’t selling or converting visitors and customers, your next focus would be on your sales and order page.
Your Sales Page
If your sales page isn’t converting the traffic that is brought to your website, you’re just as stuck as not having your website optimised in its linking or use of keywords. Your sales page is your direct link as to whether you get sales. If you are getting traffic and no orders, ask yourself these questions:
- Is your sales page directing your visitor to take action?
- Are they finding relevant content (articles, newsletters, blog)?
- Are you making it easy for them to buy from you (seamless checkout and payment processing)?
If any of these questions cannot be answered properly, then your website, your business and your money supply are all being threatened. The third technique is also vitally important to your success.
Product or Service Usefulness
This often gets overlooked. If no one knows about the usefulness or worse – cannot determine a use for your product or service, it doesn’t matter how much you spend on pay per click advertising, webpage optimisation or anything else for that matter. The product or service has to provide some type of perceived usefulness and value in order to carve out prospective customers and website visitors.
These 3 techniques will give you the means to achieve better website sales success. Use them to your greatest advantage.