Support Center » Knowledgebase » Search Engines » Part II: Using Friendly URL's on your Freestart Website
 Part II: Using Friendly URL's on your Freestart Website

Friendly URL's can be applied to three specific pages within your control panel:

1. The page URL itself
2. An individual product URL
3. A Stock Page Category URL

Once you have purchased this excellent addition to your Freestart website, we will automatically* populate your URL's with the corresponding Page Button Titles, Product Names, and Category Names that are already present in the control panel of your website.

*Please note that this is not integrated instantly. You will be advised on our standard turnaround time upon purchasing the add-on.

Please see the images below for an example of how the URL is affected before and after friendly URL's are applied to your website. In the example, we are working with a page called Products, which is the second page of our site:

URL Before

URL After


If you want to specify different URL's to those that have been automatically entered, you can do so by adding alternate text into the box labelled URL Element. Please click on the headings below for instructions on how to do this.

1. Adding your own URL Element to the page

To add your own URL Element to a page, you will first need to click on the Settings icon next to one of your pages in the Page Builder. You will then need to enter your desired text for the page in the box labelled URL Element and click the Update button once you are finished.


2. Adding your own URL Element to your products

To add your own URL Element to any one of your products, you will need to navigate to the product you wish to specify the URL for within Page Builder and click Modify (or Add New if you are creating a new product). Once on the Item Editor page, you will need to enter the desired text in the URL element box and then click Update to save your changes.

*Note - Product URL Elements are only applicable on Catalogue and Table style stock page layouts. They will only work for Modern and Traditional layouts if you have More Info enabled in Page Settings.


3. Adding your own URL Elements to your Stock Page Categories

To add your own URL Element to one of your Stock Page Categories, you will need to ensure you have already set your page up to use Categories beforehand. When you next navigate to the Categories icon in Page Builder, either click Modify or Add New to be taken to the Categories Editor page. Enter your desired text in the URL Element box and click Update to save your changes.


If you require any further assistance with utilising your custom URL Elements, please feel free to place a support ticket by clicking here, emailing, or calling our Support department on 0844 774 2974.

Article Details
Article ID: 180
Created On: 31 Aug 2012 01:05 PM

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