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 Premier Simple Upgrade
Premier Simple Upgrade

Thank you for your purchase of our new Simple Upgrade package

As discussed the Freestart Simple Upgrade is our new online package that includes a sleek, new look for your website which in turn will improve your conversion rates. There are many more features and benefits of your new upgrade including:

  • A no fuss automatic information transfer
  • A fully device responsive website for easy navigation
  • Its faster loading to boost performance
  • It is compatible in all major browsers ensuring easy viewing for your customers

So, what happens next...?

We try to ensure all information and images are formatted correctly, in keeping with the new sleek, professional design. In some cases where there is an extensive amount of content, we may only be able to tidy the first five pages.

Once the information is transferred our dedicated design team will then ensure the banner image and your company logo is featured prominently although the results may depend on the quality of your artwork.

After a period of a few days working on the upgrade, your new site will be set live and your customers will immediately see a more professional look for your business.

Need further help?

Please place a support ticket by clicking here, emailing, or calling our support line on 0844 774 2974 and one of our dedicated advisors will be more than happy to help.

Article Details
Article ID: 214
Created On: 19 Jun 2014 11:10 AM

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