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 7 Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

7 Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing provides the opportunity to earn money by promoting someone else’s product or service. You don’t have any inventory, materials or goods to ship. The manufacturer or company does that for you.

Here are 7 benefits of affiliate marketing:

  1. Little or No Start-Up Costs
    Unlike most businesses, affiliate marketing doesn’t require you to actually have a store. You do require a website and a bank account (PayPal or WorldPay for example).
  2. No Employees
    That’s right. No one to check on, micromanage, pay or hand-hold. You don’t have to constantly look over your shoulder to see if the work is being done. No need for meetings or other time wasters. Most all, you get the satisfaction that you achieved your earnings through your diligence and persistence.
  3. No Inventory
    You don’t maintain an inventory list. The person, company or manufacturer owns the product you are marketing. They take full responsibility of shipping, sending or mailing the product. What you do as the affiliate marketer is market the product and ensure that you get paid.
  4. Money
    The potential earnings from affiliate marketing is only limited by the amount of time you wish to dedicate. Affiliate marketing is a real job. It is not a get rich quick scheme. It requires that you learn a few things (HTML, SEO, email marketing etc), however if you approach affiliate marketing as a business, you will be reaping the rewards of your efforts.
  5. Security
    You are actually creating your own job security by entering into affiliate marketing. You are taking charge and are only limited by how and what products you choose to market. No one else is responsible for you earning, other than you.
  6. Options
    Affiliate marketing provides you with options. For example, you can run your affiliate campaign anywhere in the world that has Internet connection. You are not tied to a desk and have the true ability to be mobile. Even better is that you have the potential to earn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are not restricted to time zones or even sleeping! Your website and your ability to promote products and services are your tools.
  7. Unlimited Products and Services
    Many businesses are beginning to realize the potential of affiliate marketing. They would rather share the sale than attempt to market all the products themselves. What would you rather have? 100% of your own 1 time effort or 10% of a worldwide effort? The only requirement is your time, patience and willingness to learn.

Affiliate marketing takes advantage of the fact that a collective effort is better than an individual effort. Happy marketing!

Article Details
Article ID: 61
Created On: 12 Jun 2007 11:05 AM

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