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 What is Domain Name Registration and How Does This Affect Me?

What is Domain Name Registration and How Does This Affect Me?

Domain name registration is the process where you register your domain name. For example, has to be registered in order for a customer to access that website (and you as well).

Domain name registration is just like registering any of the other services we enjoy. For example, we need to register our vehicle in order to drive it and show a proof of purchase. The same process applies to your website. Your website is registered with a database. This provides proof of purchase just in case someone else desires that name.

Domain name registration is very important simply because you actually can’t have a website unless you have registered your domain name. The address won’t exist physically until you register that domain name. The actual content (your pictures, logo etc) will then be available for you to send to your website and have it displayed once you’ve chosen who will ‘host’ (store your files for your website).

Domain name registration can be registered through companies that register domain names. Domain name registration can also be performed through the same companies that offer website hosting. is such a company. We provide full services for people and businesses looking for one central point of managing their website. We have many website builder packages that range from the beginner to someone who has sophisticated requirements. provides domain name registration, website hosting and other services because after listening to our customers (over 20,000) we have found that our customers want everything at hand. That way, our customers don’t have to worry whether they have to manage multiple services from multiple points. Our customers have one central location where they manage their website. No need for multiple passwords and less headache trying to remember every single password.

Visit us today at or call us on 0870 741 5296 and we’ll explain what your options are for your website solutions.

Article Details
Article ID: 94
Created On: 03 Jul 2007 12:15 PM

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